August 2017

Ingredients (4 servings) 1/2 Shogoin turnip 200g fatty pork 1 bunch of spinach Salt, as needed Black chilli, as needed Olive oil, as needed 600ml bouillon 1 bay leaf Balsamic sauce: 100ml balsamic vinegar, 1Tbsp. olive oil Directions (1) Cut the thickly peeled turnip into 2cm half...

The savory aroma and flavorful Tango Tilefish (red tilefish) is enhanced by the turnip, making this a dish full of Kyoto flavor. Ingredients (4 servings) 1/4 Shogoin Turnip 1 (400g) Tango Tilefish 1/2 egg whites 1/3 lily bulb, small 4 raw ginkgos 5g wood ear mushroom...

The clear soup of turnip and red seabream makes the dish so elegant. Ingredients (4 servings) 1/4 Shogoin turnip 1 (200g) head of red seabream (A) 5g Kelp 400ml Dashi stock 50ml Sake 20ml Mirin (B) 20ml sugar 30ml light soy sauce Salt, to taste 1/4 Yuzu citrus (peel) Directions (1) Cut the head...

Ingredients (4 servings) Japanese yam, desired amount of your choice Dashi stock 6 : light soy sauce 1 : Mirin 1 (ratio) Green onions, as needed 4 quail eggs Momiji oroshi (grated daikon and chilli), as needed Very finely cut Nori, as needed A sprinkle...

This comfort food has the rich taste of sticky yams, wrapped in savory seaweed Ingredients (2 servings) 1/4 (50g) Japanese yam 1 sheet, Nori (seaweed for Norimaki) 100ml flour 1/2 egg (beaten egg), 70ml cold water Frying oil, as needed (A) Tempura Sauce 100ml Dashi stock 20ml Mirin 20ml...

A delicious dish with a firm taste and soft texture Ingredients (2 servings) 1/3 (90g) Japanese yam 1/4 tsp. Aonori (green dried seaweed) (A) 150ml Dashi stock 5ml light soy sauce A sprinkle of salt Directions (1) Peel the yams and rinse in water. (2) Put all ingredients under (A)...

Ingredients (4 servings) Approx. 20cm Burdock root Shrimp Surimi (shrimp paste): 10 shrimps, 1/2 egg, a little salt, a little light soy sauce, a little Sake, a little mirin Dashi stock Dashi stock enough to soak all ingredients, a small amount of light soy sauce, Sake and...

Ingredients (4 servings) Approx. 10cm Burdock root White sesame seeds, as needed Dashi stock, enough to soak ingredients Light soy sauce, as needed Sugar, as needed Directions (1) With a scrubber, scrub and rinse burdock root, and remove any remaining black spots with the back of...

Enjoy the aroma of simmered burdock root soaked in sesame vinegar Ingredients (4 servings) 1/4 Horikawa burdock root 50g roasted white sesame Ground Japanese Sansho chilli, as needed 10g rice bran (A) 75ml vinegar 50ml sugar Directions (1) Soak the Horikawa burdock root in water for a while, then...

A fresh spring dish with fish meat paste stuffed inside a soft burdock root. Ingredients (4 servings) 1/4 Horikawa burdock root 50g ground chicken 100g raw minced fish mashed into paste (Surimi) 12 snow peas 20ml Dashi stock 10g rice bran 5ml light soy sauce (A) 300ml...