Steamed Tamba Kuri Chestnuts in Syrup
Last updated: 08/07
Category: Official Recipes
Ingredients (4 servings)
- 20 Tamba chestnuts
- 3 fruits of gardenia
- 500g sugar
- 800cc water
- (1) Soak the Tamba chestnuts in water overnight to soften the shell. Then use a knife to peel away the hard shell of a nut,, and the inner, astringent skin, then place in water.
- (2) Crush the fruit of gradenia and wrap with gauze. Put chestnuts (1) into a bowl, add water, and microwave for 6 mins. until there is change in color and it has become soft.
- (3) Wash gardenia from (2), and squeeze out water. Place into the bowl and add the syrup, then microwave for 5 mins to adjust taste.