Steamed Kintoki Carrots and Tilefish
Last updated: 08/07
Category: Official Recipes
Ingredients (4 servings)
- 1/4 Tilefish
- 1/4 Daikon
- 1/2 Kintoki carrot
- 6 Ginkgo nuts
- 1 (small) Cloud ear mushroom
- 1 (small) Cloud ear mushroom
- 360cc Dashi soup stock
- Salt, to taste
- Light soy sauce, to taste
- Mirin, to taste
- 1 tsp. potato starch
- (1) Sprinkle salt onto tilefish and let rest.
- (2) Grate the Daikon, and Kintoki carrot seperately.
- (3) Remove the shell and boil the ginkgo nuts.
- (4) After soaking cloud ear mushroom in water, take it out and combine with salt, light soy sauce, mirin, and Dashi stock and let simmer. Then finely cut into strips.
- (5) Add potato starch and water mixture into the Dashi stock from the mushrooms and let it thicken.
- (6) Mix the egg white with the grated Daikon and carrots. Then mix in the ginkgo nuts and cloud ear mushrooms.
- (7) Place (1) into a bowl, and put (6) over the fish.
- (8) Steam the bowl for 15 minutes, then pour the thick sauce (5) over. Add some wasabi, ginger, or yuzu according to your taste.