Rice Porridge with Azuki Beans

Rice Porridge with Azuki Beans

Ingredients (4 servings)

  • 2 cups rice
  • 1/4 of cup Azuki red beans
  • 4 rice cakes (Mochi)
  • 5 cups water
  • salt, to taste


  • (1) Soak the red bean overnight, then boil in water until soft. Carefully boil so as not to form any cracks.
  • (2) After washing the rice an hour beforehand, soak in water and set aside.
  • (3) Cook rice porridge as you noramally would. Cook the rice until it is about 70% softer then normal cooked rice
  • (4) Soften the rice cakes by immersing them into boiling water.
  • (5) Finish by combining the cooked Azuki beans (1), and the softened rice cakes (4) into the rice porridge (3) and season with salt.