Ham stuffing
Last updated: 08/07
Category: Official Recipes
Ingredients (for 4 people) :
- Maganji sweet pepper … 12
- Sliced ham … 12 sheets
- Radish radish … 200 g
- Carrots … 60 g
- Bonito flakes … 5 g
- Sauce (2 tablespoons of heavy soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of liquor, 2 tablespoons sugar)
- Sweet vinegar (2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons water)
How to make:
- Make sauce with seasoning.
- Take the manganji sweet pepper and insert a vertical slit.
- Take the sauce and cover the Manganji sweet pepper and grill.
- Wrap the pepper with ham and grill.
- Cut the Daikon radish and carrot into rectangular strips and bath in salt water. Once they shrivel, remove them from the water and dry. Mix sweet vinegar and bonito flakes to make the topping