Stir-Fried Pork with Fushimi Chili and Miso

Stir-Fried Pork with Fushimi Chili and Miso

Ingredients (for 4 people) :

  • Fushimi red chilli … 200 g
  • Thinly sliced Pork belly … 200 g
  • Onion … 150 g (medium 1/2 pieces)
  • 1 tablespoon salad oil
  • seasoning
    4 tablespoons Hachigo miso, 1.5 tablespoons sugar, 50 cc of broth,
    2 tablespoons mirin, soy sauce 0.5 teaspoon

How to make

  1. Remove the stem from Fushimi chili, and cut and remove any seeds so that it is easy to eat.
  2. Cut the sliced ​​pork into 3 to 4 cm width and thinly slice the onion to 5 mm.
  3. Heat salad oil in pot and cook the pork. Add onions to stir fry when the color of the meat changes.
  4. Add 1’s fushimi chili to 3 and also add the miso and sugar to the stir fry.
  5. Add dashi broth and mirin to 4 and mix it into the stir fry. Cook on high heat until there is only alittle bit of juice is left, Add light soy sauce to the finish if off. Serve on a bowl.